The paperwork is available 7-10 business days after the sale day. There are a few exceptions. If you purchased the vehicle at 24hr Wrecker in Lancaster,TX you will have to pickup the paperwork there. All other paperwork will be available for pickup in person at our Royse City location. If you are wanting the paperwork mailed to you please reply back to your invoice that we email you and request it to be mailed and make sure address we have on invoice is correct. Please register your vehicle immediately. If you have a problem with the paperwork call us so we can contact the seller and we can help get it resolved.
Each auction there are diffrent types of paperwork issued for vehicles. Look under auction details it will say paperwork and tells you what type is issued for that sale. Please if you are from another state check with your DMV before bidding. Most states will not take the VTR265vsf storage lien packets from Texas to register the vehicle.